Concerts » Donato Cuzzato (Italy)

- Date
- 30.08.16
- Day
- Tuesday
- Time
- 20:00
Donato Cuzzato was born in Treviso and was educaded at the “G. Frescobaldi” Academy of Music of Ferrara, Italy, graduating in organ and organ composition with first class honours. His teacher in organ playing was Liliana Medici Turrini.
He then studied composition with Bruno Coltro and organ-improvisation with Günther Kaunzinger at the High School of Organ, Würzburg (Germany). His music has been broadcast from national and private radio and TV stations. He is an enthusiastic promoter and performer of baroque and present-day music and his concert repertoire, from Renaissance to present day music, with particular attention to the complete organ compositions of J.S. Bach, permitted him to realize numerous broadcast from national TV (RAI) and private TV stations. Also his music has been broadcast from the national and private radio of Belgium, Germany, Spanish and Switzerland.
He has performed concerts in the most important organ festivals in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA. Donato Cuzzato played in the most large Cathedrals on the world as Bourges, Chartres, Koln and Siviglia, as in the Cathedrals of Bruxelles, Losanne, Malta, Warsaw, Nurnberg (Frau Kirke), Warsaw etc. He gived recitals in the most famous organs on the world as they in the Town Hall of Birmingham, Palau de la Musica of Valencia, Paul Gerhard Kirke of Berlin, Johannes Kirka of Stockholm, Notre-Dame des Neiges of Alpe d’Huez, King’s College of Cambridge, Central Synagogue of New York, Philharmonic of St. Petersburg etc.
His eclectic concert repertoire permitted him to record 11 Compact Disc played in baroque, romantic and modern organs in Denmark, Germany and Italy with music by Alain, J.S. Bach, Brahms, Franck, Hindemith, Langlais, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Messiaen, Mozart, Widor etc. Since 1986 he has been the Artistic Director of the International Organ Festival.
“I Concerti d’Organo” with the most important organists from Europe and USA and Artistic Director of the International Organ festivals of Cavallino (VE), Collalto (TV), Meolo (VE).
….dramatic, fascinating, expressive, indeed a champion … Geislingen Gazete
…an organist with great talent… he deeply amazed and impressed… Luzerner Neuste
… it has been a long time since I heard such a refined performance of Bach… Dagbladet
….technical perfectionism, clearness and rhythmic concision… Sjaellands Tidende
… Cuzzato controls in a masterly way the technical difficulties… wonderful to listen… Stadt Luzern
Concerts » Donato Cuzzato (Italia)

- Date
- 30.08.16
- Day
- Tuesday
- Time
- 20:00
Donato Cuzzato syntyi Trevisossa, Venetossa, ja opiskeli Ferraran G.Frescobaldi -akatemiassa Liliana Medici Turrinin johdolla. Opintojaan hän jatkoi Würzburgissa Günther Kaunzingerin johdolla.
Cuzzaton ohjelmistollinen painopiste on J.S.Bachin musiikissa.
Hän on esiintynyt laajasti ympäri Eurooppaa ja USAssa. Hän onlevyttänyt 11 CDtä sekä tehnyt nauhoituksia radiolle ja televisiolle eri puolella Eurooppaa. Cuzzato no toiminut vuodesta 1986 eri festivaalien johtajana (of Cavallino (VE), Collalto (TV), Meolo (VE)).
Ulkomaiset lehdet arvioivat Cuzzatoa mm. seuraavasti:
“I Concerti d’Organo” with the most important organists from Europe and USA and Artistic Director of the International Organ festivals of Cavallino (VE), Collalto (TV), Meolo (VE).
….dramatic, fascinating, expressive, indeed a champion … Geislingen Gazete
…an organist with great talent… he deeply amazed and impressed… Luzerner Neuste
… it has been a long time since I heard such a refined performance of Bach… Dagbladet
….technical perfectionism, clearness and rhythmic concision… Sjaellands Tidende
… Cuzzato controls in a masterly way the technical difficulties… wonderful to listen… Stadt Luzern